Your Smart Phone Can Help You Outsmart Traffic with New 511 Apps for the Southland

511The 511 services in Southern California just got smarter thanks in part to Clean Transportation Funding from the MSRC that helped pay for the development of new free smart phone mobile applications, or “apps,” to help people outsmart traffic. By finding the routes with the least congestion, Southern Californians reduce their vehicle emissions while getting to their destination faster. The Go511 app - for Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura Counties - and the IE511 app - for the Inland Empire - provide up-to-the-minute traffic updates, as well as real-time public transportation information. The 511 services provide travelers with commuter-related information to reduce travel time and to lead to a more efficient use of transportation resources, thereby helping to reduce congestion on Southern California roadways and improve air quality.

smart phoneWith the help of more than $100,000 in Clean Transportation Funding from the MSRC for the development of each app, the Los Angeles Service Authority for Freeway Emergencies (LA SAFE) spearheaded the deployment of the Go511 app, while the Riverside County Transportation Authority and San Bernardino Associated Governments spearheaded the IE511 app. The transportation agencies in Southern California were prompted to develop the apps due to the popularity of the 511 websites and the growing use of smart phones and tablets. For example, at the time the IE511 app began the development process, approximately 20 percent of IE511 users already were using their smart devices to access the online IE511 system.

Launching earlier this year, the Go511 app is available for both the Apple iOS and Android mobile platforms and already has received more than 22,000 downloads. Key features of the app include real-time traffic with freeway camera feeds, real-time bus and rail arrival information, transit schedules, station and transit stop information, and a quick access link to call 511 to receive motorist aid and commuter services. On average, usage of the app results in about 25,000 sessions per month. Currently LA SAFE is in the process of modifying the app in order to provide a more user friendly interface and offer even more information to the traveling public.

The IE511 app became available in 2012 for both Apple and Android users and has received more than 29,000 downloads. The app provides an online traffic map with real-time incident and sig alert information, cameras and advisories posted on the freeway changeable messages signs. In bad weather, the app even puts chain control information right on the map. Public transportation information is offered as well. Users also can find ridesharing information including carpool matches, park and ride locations, and routes to take advantage of carpool lane access. Usage of the app results in more than 25,000 screen views per month on average. This is comparable to the number of web visits and phone calls the IE511 service receives each month. More than half of the web visits are from mobile users.

Increasing congestion on the roads calls for innovative ways to outsmart traffic and reduce the pollution from idling vehicles. Now, the 511 apps can give travelers the edge they need to get around smarter.