Council Member Mark Henderson from the City of Gardena has been a part of the MSRC for a number of years, becoming one of newest members of the Committee this Spring. Mark previously served as a member of the MSRC’s Technical Advisory Committee and as an Alternate, before joining as a primary member in March.

The MSRC kicked off the Summer early on June 7 with press conferences featuring two impressive clean air projects that the MSRC helped make possible. In South El Monte, the MSRC celebrated its partnership with Schneider and other regional and state clean air agencies to support Schneider’s 50 new battery-electric trucks and supporting infrastructure. Leaders from the MSRC, California Air Resources Board (CARB), the California Energy Commission (CEC), and South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) all spoke during the press event and recognized Schneider’s clean air commitment that was funded through the innovative JETSI (Joint Electric Truck Scaling Initiative) partnership designed to demonstrate strategies to successfully scale market penetration of zero-emission technologies.